

G2998 台湾致新代理商 GMT LDO系列 DDR终结器
DDR Termination Regulator

Part Number VDDQ (V)min. VDDQ (V) max. Isource(A) Isink(V) LVREF(mA) VCNTL (V) EN Note Package
G2998 1.2 3.6 4/3 4/3 10 3~5.5 YES DDR1/2/3/3L SOP-8(FD)


General Description
The  G2998/G2999  is  a  3A  sink/source  tracking  termi-nation regulator. It is specifically designed for low-cost/low-external  component  count  systems.  The  G2998/  G2999 maintains a high speed operational amplifier that provides  fast  load  transient  response  and  only  requires  20μF  (2  ×  10μF)  of  ceramic  output  capacitance.  The  G2998/G2999  supports  remote  sensing  functions  and  all features required to power the DDR I / DDR II / DDR III  /  DDR  IIIL  VTT  bus  termination  according  to  the  JEDEC  specification.  In  addition,  the  G2998/  G2999  also  has  an  Enable  (EN)  pin  that  provides  Suspend  to  RAM (STR) functionality. When EN is pulled low, VREF will remain active, but VTT output will be turned off and discharged  to  the  ground  through  internal  MOSFETs  in  G2998  version  and  VTT  output  will  be  in  tri-state  in  G2999  version.  A  power  saving  advantage  can  be  ob-tained in this mode through lowering the quiescent cur-rent to150μA @ VCC=3.3V.

The  G2998/G2999  is  available  in  the  MSOP-8  and  SOP-8 package with the Thermal pad.

Features „
Support and DDR I (1.25VTT), DDR II (0.9 VTT) , DDR III (0.75 VTT) , and DDR IIIL (0.675VTT)   Requirements  „
Input Voltage Range: 3V to 5.5V
„VTT_IN Voltage Range: 1.2V to 3.6V
„Requires Only 20μF Ceramic Output Capacitance „
VTT Pulled Low by 2kΩResistor in Stand-By Mode (G2998 version)
„VTT Tri-State in Stand-By Mode   (G2999 version)
„Integrated Divider Tracks 1/2 VDDQ for Both       
VTT and VREF „Remote Sensing (VTTS) „
±20mV Accuracy for VTT   „
±30mV Accuracy for VREF
„Built-In Soft-Start
„Over Current Protection „
Thermal Shutdown Protection „
MSOP-8 and SOP-8(Thermal Pad) Package

Applications „
DDR I/II/III/IIIL Memory Termination
„SSTL−2, SSTL−18 „
HSTL Termination

Ordering Information

G2998P81U G2998 40°C~ +85°C MSOP-8
G2998F11U G2998 40°C~ +85°C SOP-8(FD)
G2999F11U G2999 40°C~ +125°C SOP-8(FD)

Note:  P8:  MSOP-8          
F1:  SOP-8  (FD)            
1:  Bonding  Code            
U:  Tape  &  Reel  

Pin Configuration

台湾致新代理商 GMT LDO系列 DDR终结器

